Originally posted in 2017, this post was updated 11/14/2021. A lot has happened in just those few years!
The Eastern Montana and Western North Dakota area has web users, builders, and developers too! Maybe there’s a little bit of distance between us . . . but that just means it is more important we get together now and then!
Of course, in 2017 getting together meant meeting in the same room. Now our horizons are literally broader. We meet online and welcome guests from anywhere. Our core group remains small but we enjoy occasional guests from other places – it makes it even more fun! Please join us!
If you are interested, just send Kristin an email and we’ll send you an online link. You can also find that on Meetup.com which also sends it to your WordPress Dashboard. We meet once a month – currently the 1st Thursday evening of the month. That’s subject to change without my remembering to fix this post. 😉
Who should attend?
If you have a WordPress website, you want a website of some kind, or you build WordPress websites for others, please join us! Basically, this is for anyone with an interest in WordPress, the open source software that powers the fun 40+% of the Internet! The official WordPress.org description says that anyone who loves WordPress is welcome. Heck, this is Montana and we’ll welcome you if you are just curious about WordPress!
WordPress Meetups are places for WP folks to get together to learn about WordPress in a casual and comfortable environment.
Shane Bishop of EWWW IO fame and I decided we should get this started in 2017. It’s been fun ever since!
In general, we usually have two short talks. Not locked into that AT ALL. You’d be amazed at how quickly and happily we will get sidetracked by questions. Bring your questions, we all love em!
- Shane Bishop on a more advanced topic. He often helps us on subjects related to images on WP sites since they are critical to the web and Shane is literally one of the world’s experts on images on the web.
- Kristin Aus on some topic of use to beginners. Sometimes we talk about cool new things in WordPress and even digital marketing topics of use to WP users.
Obviously we’d love to hear from anyone who is interesting in coming to this or future WP meetups. You can also sign up at Meetup.com – WordPress.org has paid for our use of that. Here’s our page: https://www.meetup.com/Glendive-WordPress-Meetup/.
There is NO charge to attend. We are committed to keeping these get togethers free and open to everyone. We’ll even try to have some munchies and coffee. Don’t plan to be able to make supper out, however. Yep, that was the before times. No more snacks unless you bring your own to your own living room.
While you can absolutely just show up to the meeting, we’d love to hear from you in advance. Please use this form to send me (Kristin Aus) an email and I’ll pass it on if you have questions I can’t answer.